[openstack-dev] [savanna] Savanna incubation intention
Sergey Lukjanov
slukjanov at mirantis.com
Fri Aug 16 15:14:26 UTC 2013
Hi folks,
I’m glad to announce Savanna intention to apply for the incubation during Icehouse release. In this email I would like to provide an update on our current status and nearest plans and, as well as start the conversation to solicit the feedback on Savanna from the community.
Let’s start with the current state of Savanna project. All our code and bugs/specs are hosted at OpenStack Gerrit and Launchpad correspondingly. Unit tests and all pep8/hacking checks are run at OpenStack Jenkins and we have integration tests running at our own Jenkins server for each patch set. We have great Sphinx-based docs published at readthedocs - http://savanna.rtfd.org, it consists of dev, admin and user guides and descriptions of REST API, plugins SPI and etc. Savanna is integrated with Nova, Keystone, Glance, Cinder and Swift now, and we already using diskimage-builder to create a prebuilt images for Hadoop clusters.
We have an amazing team working on Savanna - about twenty engineers from Mirantis, Red Hat and Hortonworks (according to authors git stat). We have been holding weekly IRC meetings for the last 6 months and discussing architectural questions there and in openstack mailing lists as well. As for the code reviews, we’ve established the same approach as other OpenStack projects. Change requests cannot be merged without the review from the main contributors for the corresponding component and this ensures high standard for all code that lands in master.
Currently we are actively working on two main directions - Elastic Data Processing (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Savanna/EDP) and scalable architecture. Our next major 0.3 release is planned for October timeframe and will be based on OpenStack Havana codebase. It will contain basic EDP functionality, Savanna distributed design, Neutron support and, of course, updated OpenStack Dashboard plugin with all new features.
Let’s take a look at our future plans. We would like to integrate with other OpenStack components, such as Heat and Ceilometer and to adjust our release cycle in Icehouse. Code hardening, useful CLI implementation and enhanced functionality of EDP are also the things to be done and pay attention for.
So you are welcome to comment and leave your feedback on how to make Savanna better and become the integrated project.
Thank you!
P.S. Some links:
review stats: http://jenkins.savanna.mirantis.com/view/Infra/job/savanna-reviewstats/Savanna_Review_Stats/index.html
Sincerely yours,
Sergey Lukjanov
Savanna Technical Lead
Mirantis Inc.
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