[legal-discuss] CCLA not available anywhere except the non-printable/non-downloadable esign app?

Monty Taylor mordred at inaugust.com
Sun Sep 7 23:25:11 UTC 2014

On 09/07/2014 04:22 PM, Luis Villa wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Stefano Maffulli <stefano at openstack.org>
> wrote:
>> On 09/05/2014 04:27 PM, Luis Villa wrote:
>>> Here's my reasoning:
>>> - CCLAs are mostly signed by corporate lawyers, like me.
>>> - Corporate lawyers, like me, like to print out and examine documents
>>> before signing them. Or at least ook at them in a window that can be
>>> properly resized/zoomed (unlike the awful, user-unfriendly Adobe widget.)
>>> - Careful corporate lawyers *particularly* like to print out and examine
>>> documents that are derived from other documents (ahem, Apache CLA), so
>>> that they can compare them carefully to the original/source document.
>> Totally understood, in fact these requests are not uncommon.
>> My reasoning is that I prefer to engage with corporate lawyers
>> immediately before they go off on their own. Since we receive few
>> requests, I prefer to know who is interested in signing it and help them
>> out, with the CCLA and all the other complex things related to OpenStack.
> Fair - I'm obviously better positioned than most to make that assessment.
> If that is your goal, though, I think you should make that explicit in the
> documentation: instead of pointing at the CCLA and then making the CCLA
> painful/irritating to sign (which makes you look, frankly, amateur), you
> should say bluntly "if this is your corporation's first time contributing,
> you should put your corporate lawyers or product managers in touch with
> corporate at openstack.org, who can help explain the process, point them at
> appropriate documentation (including this CCLA[link]) ..." etc.

++ to being explicit in documentation

> Thanks!
> (Hope this doesn't come across as super-critical, just trying to make you
> more user-friendly to an unusual but important class of user :)

All feedback is super welcome. Thanks!

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