Last newsletter of 2014, see you again in 2015!

University of Hawaii College of Education harnesses OpenStack to support faculty research via a secure private cloud

OpenStack powers a Holodeck at University of Hawaii at Manoa... Read the full story on Mirantis blog.

The TOSCA Cloud State of the Union

A nice summary of the status of OpenStack Heat and the relation between the different specifications to describe topology and orchestration in cloud world.

Relevant Conversations

Deadlines and Development Priorities

Security Advisories and Notices

Reports from Previous Events

Tips ‘n Tricks

Upcoming Events

2015 OpenStack Foundation Events Plan and Calls for Papers Available. The 2015 events plan is now available on the Global Events Calendar wiki. The detailed spreadsheet covers industry events, Summits (dates and locations), as well as regional OpenStack Days organized by the community.  If you’re interested in sponsoring or speaking at a planned OpenStack Day, please contact the contact listed in the spreadsheet.

Other News

Got Answers?

Ask OpenStack is the go-to destination for OpenStack users. Interesting questions waiting for answers:

The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please leave a comment.