OpenStack cluster event notification

Anil Jangam anilj.mailing at
Tue Jul 7 07:54:13 UTC 2020

Hi All,

So far, based on my understanding of OpenStack Python SDK, I am able to
read the Hypervisor, Servers instances, however, I do not see an API to
receive and handle the change notification/events for the operations that
happens on the cluster e.g. A new VM is added, an existing VM is deleted

I see a documentation, which talks about emitting notifications over a
message bus that indicate different events that occur within the service.

Notifications in OpenStack

   1. Does Openstack Python SDK support notification APIs?
   2. How do I receive/monitor notifications for VM related changes?
   3. How do I receive/monitor notifications for compute/hypervisor related
   4. How do I receive/monitor notifications for Virtual Switch related

Thanks in advance for any help in this regard.

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