hi all, after discussions on the usefulness of a Telemetry mid-cycle, we've decided to forego having an in-person mid-cycle for Mitaka. to avoid rehashing already discussed items, see: same reasons as Glance[1]. much thanks to jasonamyers for offering a venue for a Telemetry mid-cycle. that said we will try to have a virtual one similar to Liberty[2] should any items pop up over the development cycle. we would target some time during January. looking forward to N*, an in-person mid-cycle might be beneficial if all data/telemetry related projects were to meetup. we had great participation from projects such as CloudKitty, Vitrage, etc...[3] which leverage parts of Ceilometer/Aodh/Gnocchi. if we all came together, i think that would make a worthwhile mid-cycle. this is something we can discuss over the coming cycle. [1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-November/078239.html [2] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-July/068911.html [3] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ceilometer#Ceilometer_Extensions cheers, -- gord