[openstack-dev] Is "python setup.py intsall" recommended way to install Neutron Server in dev environment?

Monty Taylor mordred at inaugust.com
Tue Sep 24 01:41:13 UTC 2013

On 09/23/2013 01:20 PM, Vijay Venkatachalam wrote:
> Hi,
>                 I am new to openstack, please pardon if the questions
> are dumb.
> Attempting to run a neutron dev setup with openvswitch plugin with VLAN
> isolation and 2 hosts.
> _DISCLAIMER: _I am not using devstack. Attempting to install the
> services in a controller node  - Ubuntu12.04 VM.
> 1.       In the controller node
> a)      Services horizon/keystone/glance are installed using “apt-get”.
> Yet to install nova.
> b)      Also in addition, for development needs, we have cloned neutron
> from github
> c)       ran “python setup.py install”
> # Is this the recommended way? This seems to have installed all agents
>  “/usr/local/bin/neutron-*-agent”s as well in  Controller Node.

Yes - this is both fine and expected.

I actually recommend a minor variation, for reasons that get very

Instead of:

"python setup.py install"


"pip install ."

It should have the exact same result, but pip can succeed in some places
where setup.py install directly can fail.

Also, if you'd like to run python setup.py develop, simply run:

"pip install -e ."

Which will do the same thing.

Hrm. I should send that out generally.
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