[openstack-dev] [Nova][Heat] scheduled-images blueprint

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed May 1 19:54:27 UTC 2013

On 2 May 2013 05:10, Gabe Westmaas <gabe.westmaas at rackspace.com> wrote:

>> I would be very tempted to put it in horizon. [I can expand on why if
>> it's not obvious].
> Hey Robert,
> If you mean directly in horizon without a separate API, then yes, I need you to expand on why :)  If a feature like this is useful, and there is an API for it, yes it should definitely be exposed in Horizon.

So it seems to be to be a tool for folk that aren't doing large scale
systems management - its a backup solution like countless others. That
sort of thing, to me, feels like a end-user-console specific thing.
Specifically, given there is an API to snapshot an image already
(AIUI), all we need is cron + invoke that API, which for people using
Linux to run servers in a cloud is a trivial thing.

Technically, as I see it you need:
 - a UI that calls the low level snapshot-instance API
 - a cron replacement

Which Horizon, as a Django app that calls novas APIs already has both of :).


Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Cloud Services

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