[Win The Enterprise-wg] [OpenStack][Win The Enterprise] Vancouver Meeting Plans

Barrett, Carol L carol.l.barrett at intel.com
Thu Apr 16 16:48:27 UTC 2015

Team - We've got time on hold for us to meet at Vancouver. I'd like your feedback on both the meeting time and the agenda.

Meeting time: There are 2 types of rooms. Fishbowls, which are good for collaboration and Theatres, which are good for sharing info and some interaction. I think that a fishbowl would be best for our discussions. Fishbowls are only available on Monday. Currently I have a fishbowl reserved on Monday 5/18 from 12:05 to 2:00. Lunch will be provided. If you can't make at least half of this time, pls reply and let us know. If there are a significant number of folks with conflicts, I'll start a doodle to find a better option.

Agenda: We will (ideally) have all of the WTE teams in the same room, and want to take advantage of that to drive more collaboration. Here's a proposed agenda:
Topic 1: 2015 Goals review and update
Topic 2: Teams reportout
Topic 3: Product Work Group Collaboration
Topic 3: Focus areas for the next 6 months
Topic 4: Team working session
Pls send your feedback and help increase the value of this session to all of us!


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