[User-committee] Uniting TC and UC

Ghanshyam Mann gmann at ghanshyammann.com
Thu May 7 21:09:06 UTC 2020

 ---- On Thu, 07 May 2020 09:32:42 -0500 Mohamed Elsakhawy <m2elsakha at gmail.com> wrote ----
 > Hi All,
 > As you may know already, there has been an ongoing discussion to merge UC and TC under a single body. Three options were presented, along with their impact on the bylaws.
 > http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-February/012806.html
 > We had several discussions in the UC on the three options as well as the UC items that need to be well-represented under the common committee, and here’s what we propose for the merger:
 > 1- There’s consensus on utilizing option 1, thus requiring no bylaws change and merging AUC and ATC : 
 > 1- No bylaws change
 > As bylaws changes take a lot of time and energy, the simplest approach would be to merge the TC and UC without changing the bylaws at all. The single body (called TC) would incorporate the AUC criteria by adding all AUC members as extra-ATC. It would tackle all aspects of our community. To respect the letter of the bylaws, the TC would formally designate 5 of its members to be the 'UC' and those would select a 'UC chair'. But all tasks would be handled together.
 > 2- Two main core UC responsibilities need to continue to be represented under TC
 >  - Representing the user community to the broader community (Board of directors, TC...)


 > -  Working with user groups worldwide to keep the community vibrant and informed.

This was one of my main concerns and worry since starting. This is really important which is more of managerial activities
and event/group coordination along with OpenStack Ambassadors and IMO does not really fit under TC activities, we may
need some other place/team to take care of these tasks.


 > 3- The current active workgroups under UC’s governance will be moved to be under TC’s governance.
 > 4- AUC and ATC to be merged into a single list, potentially called AC (Active Contributor)
 > 5- We hope to have the merger finalized before the upcoming UC elections in September 2020.
 > In addition to discussions over the mailing list, we also have the opportunity of "face-to-face" discussions at the upcoming PTG. 
 > Thanks
 > Mohamed 
 > --melsakhawy

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