[User-committee] Uniting TC and UC
Mohamed Elsakhawy
m2elsakha at gmail.com
Thu May 7 22:26:18 UTC 2020
Thanks All,
@Jeremy , I don't see a reason for the separate ML to continue to
exist, having all discussions in openstack-discuss makes more sense. I'll
bring it to the next UC meeting and keep you posted.
@Ghanshyam : Part of the proposal is to have "5" designated members under
TC to perform the UC duties including UG involvement. I guess that mandates
some expansion of current TC activities, but that's a valid point, we may
want to discuss further.
On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 5:09 PM Ghanshyam Mann <gmann at ghanshyammann.com>
> ---- On Thu, 07 May 2020 09:32:42 -0500 Mohamed Elsakhawy <
> m2elsakha at gmail.com> wrote ----
> > Hi All,
> >
> > As you may know already, there has been an ongoing discussion to merge
> UC and TC under a single body. Three options were presented, along with
> their impact on the bylaws.
> >
> >
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-February/012806.html
> >
> > We had several discussions in the UC on the three options as well as
> the UC items that need to be well-represented under the common committee,
> and here’s what we propose for the merger:
> >
> > 1- There’s consensus on utilizing option 1, thus requiring no bylaws
> change and merging AUC and ATC :
> >
> > 1- No bylaws change
> > As bylaws changes take a lot of time and energy, the simplest approach
> would be to merge the TC and UC without changing the bylaws at all. The
> single body (called TC) would incorporate the AUC criteria by adding all
> AUC members as extra-ATC. It would tackle all aspects of our community. To
> respect the letter of the bylaws, the TC would formally designate 5 of its
> members to be the 'UC' and those would select a 'UC chair'. But all tasks
> would be handled together.
> >
> > 2- Two main core UC responsibilities need to continue to be represented
> under TC
> > - Representing the user community to the broader community (Board of
> directors, TC...)
> +1.
> > - Working with user groups worldwide to keep the community vibrant and
> informed.
> This was one of my main concerns and worry since starting. This is really
> important which is more of managerial activities
> and event/group coordination along with OpenStack Ambassadors and IMO does
> not really fit under TC activities, we may
> need some other place/team to take care of these tasks.
> -gmann
> >
> > 3- The current active workgroups under UC’s governance will be moved to
> be under TC’s governance.
> >
> > 4- AUC and ATC to be merged into a single list, potentially called AC
> (Active Contributor)
> >
> > 5- We hope to have the merger finalized before the upcoming UC
> elections in September 2020.
> >
> >
> > In addition to discussions over the mailing list, we also have the
> opportunity of "face-to-face" discussions at the upcoming PTG.
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> > Mohamed
> > --melsakhawy
> >
> >
> >
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