[User-committee] Scientific-WG and HPC/Research schedule overlaps

OpenStack Speaker Support speakersupport at openstack.org
Wed Mar 29 16:20:26 UTC 2017

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Beth, Mar 29, 11:20 CDT

Hi Blair-

I have space available for this session on Monday at 4:40pm:  
Building Efficient HPC Clouds with MVAPICH2 and OpenStack over SR-IOV enabled InfiniBand Clusters (https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/events/17514)

I have availability for this session on Wednesday at 9:50:
Build Bare Metal Kubernetes Cluster for HPC on OpenStack in Translational Medicine Research at SJTU (https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/events/17767)

They could be swapped if necessary-  let me know and I'll update the schedule.  




Blair Bethwaite, Mar 29, 00:42 CDT

Hi Speaker Support,

I've just been reviewing the current Boston program more closely and see that there are a few nonoptimal items...

This session: Building Efficient HPC Clouds with MVAPICH2 and OpenStack over SR-IOV enabled InfiniBand Clusters (https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/events/17514), falls on the Thursday and so will overlap with the Boston Cloud Federation meeting, it's likely that this would mean fairly low attendance for the session.

Also, this session in the HPC/Research track: Build Bare Metal Kubernetes Cluster for HPC on OpenStack in Translational Medicine Research at SJTU (https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/events/17767), clashes with the Scientific-WG meeting (https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/events/17698)

Any chance of wiggling these around please?

Blair Bethwaite
Senior HPC Consultant

Monash eResearch Centre
Monash University
Room G26, 15 Innovation Walk, Clayton Campus
Clayton VIC 3800
Mobile: 0439-545-002
Office: +61 3-9903-2800

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