[User-committee] Forum session on (future of) hypervisor/compute tuning & benchmarking, and another on special hardware - apologies for the really long and overly descriptive subject...

Blair Bethwaite blair.bethwaite at monash.edu
Wed Mar 29 14:31:06 UTC 2017

Hi all,

Looking over the various brainstorming etherpads for the Boston Forum
I see a couple of mentions of tuning related topics so I'm going to
propose a session around this...
I don't know who put down these other etherpad mentions or +1'd them,
but please add further comments or 1-ups to comments on that proposal.

Somewhat related to the topic of tuning, someone also suggested a
session on specialised hardware - but they didn't leave a name!
Fortunately I like the idea of attending that session so have proposed
it and am prepared to chair if no-one else steps up:


Blair Bethwaite
Senior HPC Consultant

Monash eResearch Centre
Monash University
Room G26, 15 Innovation Walk, Clayton Campus
Clayton VIC 3800
Mobile: 0439-545-002
Office: +61 3-9903-2800

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