[User-committee] SIG Governance
Arkady.Kanevsky at dell.com
Arkady.Kanevsky at dell.com
Fri Dec 15 21:49:30 UTC 2017
Thanks for setting clear rules of governance.
From: Edgar Magana [mailto:edgar.magana at workday.com]
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2017 3:39 PM
To: Melvin Hillsman <mrhillsman at gmail.com>
Cc: user-committee <user-committee at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: [User-committee] SIG Governance
Thank for the clarification. I fully support the temporal proposal.
From: Melvin Hillsman <mrhillsman at gmail.com<mailto:mrhillsman at gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, December 15, 2017 at 1:35 PM
To: Edgar Magana <edgar.magana at workday.com<mailto:edgar.magana at workday.com>>
Cc: Jeremy Stanley <fungi at yuggoth.org<mailto:fungi at yuggoth.org>>, user-committee <user-committee at lists.openstack.org<mailto:user-committee at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: Re: [User-committee] SIG Governance
Yes, I believe I am saying the same thing but if not, what Jeremy said. There is attempt to usurp what exists, just that quite a few folks have moved over to being a SIG and 1) we need to revisit governance and 2) until we come to a conclusion during revisit what should we do. Pardon if I presented something other than that or was not clear leaving others to assume.
On Dec 15, 2017 3:19 PM, "Edgar Magana" <edgar.magana at workday.com<mailto:edgar.magana at workday.com>> wrote:
Totally agree with Jeremy. We (UC and TC) should work together to move SIG from that grey area to a formal charter structure.
On 12/15/17, 11:56 AM, "Jeremy Stanley" <fungi at yuggoth.org<mailto:fungi at yuggoth.org>> wrote:
On 2017-12-15 11:43:13 -0600 (-0600), Melvin Hillsman wrote:
> Sure, as you both know nothing is set in stone at this point.
> Right now it simply answers the question(s) of who are the folks
> on the hook to stay updated with what is happening with SIGs,
> answer questions, provide suggestions, etc, as is currently stated
> on the SIGs wiki page -
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_SIGs<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__wiki.openstack.org_wiki_OpenStack-5FSIGs&d=DwMFaQ&c=DS6PUFBBr_KiLo7Sjt3ljp5jaW5k2i9ijVXllEdOozc&r=G0XRJfDQsuBvqa_wpWyDAUlSpeMV4W1qfWqBfctlWwQ&m=69tyQuALYUY0lqKLIiOH5RFtZBuXKH46ZmNRXhI3TA8&s=J0vNBlxV77cIGRCtPz2LduhwkPHKYIpfzU5XOdvGiJQ&e=>. No formal
> resolutions have been adopted or changed and it would be great for
> us to answer the questions you and Shamail listed together during
> the meeting or at least come up with some proposed answers to the
> questions and gather feedback.
It was more of a question of, if there is a disagreement within a
SIG or between SIGs, to what arbitrating body do they appeal to
reach some conclusion in the matter? The technical community can
appeal to the TC for decisions, the user community to the UC, but
SIGs are a grey area at the moment where this sort of thing is
Jeremy Stanley
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