[User-committee] Needs UC attention: Forum Facilitation - Pre-forum preparation

Sun, Yih Leong yih.leong.sun at intel.com
Mon Apr 24 23:13:06 UTC 2017

Hi UC,

As mentioned in previous email, the Product WG has created a sample etherpad template [1] to help the moderator of Forum Sessions.
Here’s a few things I need UC comments/response, we hope we can move this forward quickly given that the Boston Summit/Forum is only less than two weeks from now…

1.       Recommend forum’s moderators to use this etherpad template format [1].

2.       Recommend forum’s moderators to follow a standard etherpad url naming convention: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BOS-forum-[sessionname-abc<https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BOS-forum-%5bsessionname-abc>]

3.       Recommend all forum’s participants to use the ##hashtag to highlight actionable items or something that need attention from a specific project team or working group. This can help to aggregate data and perform post-forum analysis. A few recommended ##hashtag and definition are included in the above template [1] and examples of how to use the ##hashtag can also be found here [2]

4.       Provide a centralized page (e.g. wiki) that list down all session etherpads, which I believe the Forum Planning Committee is working on it [3].

If these are fine, we will discuss and collaborate with Forum Planning Committee to reach out to list of all moderators of Forum Sessions.
p/s: A few moderators already started using them.

[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BOS-forum-moderator-template
[2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BOS-forum-hashtag-definition
[3] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Forum/Boston2017


From: Sun, Yih Leong
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 3:38 PM
To: user-committee at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Forum Facilitation - Pre-forum preparation

Hi UC,

As discussed earlier and proposed [1] in previous UC/Board meeting, the Product WG is working on next steps to facilitate the pre-forum preparation.

I would like to get feedback from UC and various WG on the following:

1.       Encourage moderators/participants to use ##hashtag to highlight actionable items or something that need attention from a specific project team or working group.

a.       We “pilot” this approach at Ops Midcycle at Milan. A small python program was used to filter all Ops Milan etherpads and here’s an example summary/output of the ##hashtag [2,3].

b.      I will contact Infra if the python program can be integrated with etherpad API for easier data collection.

c.       How can we communicate this with Forum session’s moderators?

2.       Provide a template etherpad for moderators

a.       Referencing the Ops Midcycle etherpad template, a Boston Forum etherpad template is created [4], please provide feedback.

b.      How should we encourage moderators to use this template?

c.       Should we create a centralized “landing/index” page that list all the Forum session etherpad? (like what we have for Ops Midcycle Milan)

d.      Should we standardize the url naming convention for the Forum session etherpad? (e.g. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BOS-forum-<sessionname-abc<https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BOS-forum-%3csessionname-abc>>)

3.       Document WG pre-discussion requirements into Development Proposals (previously known as “OpenStack User Story”)

a.       Each WG can utilize the Product WG workflow [5] and document their requirements by proposing a “development proposal”.

b.      Example of development proposals can be found here [6]

[1] https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jTlO4UdNjc5cOKboeCNhLDEdttazWWlDgNxxulUrPNg/edit#slide=id.g1c401aad5d_0_142
[2] https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B733UR8kbomadmtsM0ZFWENXUzA
[3] https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B733UR8kbomaSVhqQ3Y4NkFxTmc
[4] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BOS-forum-moderator-template
[5] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ProductTeam/Development_Proposals#Development_Proposal_Workflow
[6] https://github.com/openstack/openstack-user-stories/tree/master/development-proposals/proposed


Yih Leong Sun, PhD (宋毅良)
Senior Software Cloud Architect | Open Source Technology Center | Intel Corporation
yih.leong.sun at intel.com<mailto:yih.leong.sun at intel.com> | +1 503 264 0610

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