Hi, My name is Qiming Teng, PTL for the senlin project [1] during Mitaka and Newton cycle. I was the liaison for product working group [2] for senlin project. Until recently, I wasn't contacted by the product working group for the multi-release roadmap [3] or things like that. On seeing the latest roadmap slides, senlin was again not listed in the whole picture. Team was surprised by this and we are wondering if there are things we missed to get the message out. I'm new to this group. But since I'm stepping down as PTL for Ocata cycle, I will have more cycles working with people from other teams to make senlin a good citizen in the community. Can anyone help guide me on next steps, how can we get senlin included? Senlin has released its 2.0.0 version with official OpenStack release. Thanks. Regards, Qiming [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Senlin [2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CrossProjectLiaisons [3] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ProductTeam/MultiRelease_Roadmap [4] https://www.openstack.org/assets/software/newton/Community-Generated-OpenStack-Roadmap-Newton-Release-v3.pdf