[Product] [OpenStack][Product WG] Next Round of User Story discussion/prioritization

Jesse Cook jesse.cook at RACKSPACE.COM
Thu Aug 13 00:27:13 UTC 2015

On 8/12/15, 6:02 PM, "Barrett, Carol L" <carol.l.barrett at intel.com> wrote:

>Team - Good working session today! We covered 12 user stories and had
>good discussion around how to improve/target them. Thanks to everyone!
>The etherpad for the session is here:
>In tomorrow’s session my proposal for our agenda is:
>*       Complete review of the remaining 7+ user stories (some will be
>developed and added tonight)
>*       Identify which user stories we want to combine and owners to
>complete that
>*       Discuss Prioritization Criteria
>o       We had defined 3 criteria and it appears that all/most of our
>user stories are meeting them
>o       So how do we rank them? Where do we draw the cut line for the
>ones we'll focus on for this Pilot cycle?

While in the general case I’m a strong advocate for prioritizing work, I
think this is the bit where some care has to be taken to avoid the
alienation John spoke of (especially the bit about the cut line).

What I think will be far more effective and useful is not how we
prioritize them but how we test them and demonstrate what’s missing. This
is extremely valuable to the community. Being able to say what’s missing
is one thing, being able to show it in such a way that a dev can make a
change and make that test pass is a whole nother level of value.

>*       Prioritize
>*       Discuss Next Steps and any deliverables for our Mid-Cycle work
>Meeting Logistics:
>8/13/15, 21:00 - 23:00 UTC
>Voice Bridgeː Access: (888) 875-9370, Bridge: 3; Passcode: 1278598
>Etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/User_Story_Discussion_2
>Pls send thoughts on the agenda and add comments to the Etherpads, User
>Stories and Tracker.
>Talk to you tomorrow.
>Product-wg mailing list
>Product-wg at lists.openstack.org

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