[Openstack] Neutron unable to create VLAN network

Timothy Geier tgeier at accertify.com
Tue May 2 18:50:09 UTC 2017

I’m doing some testing/PoC on an RDO Ocata CentOS7 setup and everything has gone well with the exception of configuring multiple VLANs.

After following the configuration detailed at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openstack_platform/10/html/networking_guide/sec-connect-instance#Using-VLAN-Provider-Networks , neutron errors out with the following:

$ neutron net-create 1_network \
                        --provider:network_type vlan \
                        --router:external true \
                        --provider:physical_network extnet \
                        --provider:segmentation_id 1 --shared
Unable to create the network. The VLAN 1 on physical network extnet is in use.

extnet is mapped to the OVSbridge br-ex, which has a physical interface that’s trunked to all of the available VLANs..trying this command on the other available VLANs works, but 1 and 2 (the ones I want to test on) always fails.  Is there anything obvious to try on the system itself or is this more likely a network issue?

Thanks much,

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