[Openstack] Floating IP association using Heat

Jose Manuel Ferrer Mosteiro jmferrer.paradigmatecnologico at gmail.com
Mon Jun 12 12:45:50 UTC 2017

Some times I forget to setting the security groups ...

   # Security group that allows all from all sources
     type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup
       name: elasticsearch_security_group
         - remote_ip_prefix:
           protocol: tcp
           port_range_min: 9200
           port_range_max: 9200
         - remote_ip_prefix: { get_param: cidr }
           protocol: tcp
           port_range_min: 9300
           port_range_max: 9300
         - remote_ip_prefix:
           protocol: icmp

   # create server ports (ip addresses)
   # needed to configure ansible inventory and /etc/hosts
     type: OS::Neutron::Port
        network: { get_resource: elasticsearch_private_net }
          - { get_resource: elasticsearch_security_group }
          - subnet_id: { get_resource: elasticsearch_private_subnet }

   # elasticsearch_01_server
     type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIP
       floating_network_id: { get_param: public_net_id }
       port_id: { get_resource: elasticsearch_01_server_port }

     type: OS::Nova::Server
       name: { get_param: elasticsearch_01_hostname }
       key_name: { get_param: key_name }
       image: { get_param: image_id }
       flavor: { get_param: instance_flavor }
         - port: { get_resource: elasticsearch_01_server_port }
       availability_zone: { get_param: elasticsearch_01_availability_zone 


Jose Manuel Ferrer Mosteiro

Devops / Sysdev @ Paradigma Digital

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Vía de las dos Castillas, 33, Ática 4, 2ª Planta
28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid
Tel: 91 352 59 42 // @paradigmate

El 2017-06-12 12:53, D. Davide Lamanna escribió:

> Hi all,
> I'm using "association" resource in a heat template, like that:
> association:
> type: OS::Nova::FloatingIPAssociation
> properties:
> floating_ip: { get_param: foo_floating_ip }
> server_id: { get_resource: bar_instance }
> With:
> bar_instance:
> type: OS::Nova::Server
> properties:
> key_name: { get_param: key_name }
> image: { get_param: image_id }
> flavor: { get_param: instance_type }
> networks:
> - port: { get_resource: bar_instance_port }
> foo_floating_ip:
> type: string
> label: Foo Floating IP
> description: Floating IP to be associated to the Foo Instance
> default: fd06c9c0-dcf7-4881-9bae-aafc1b8a8cf7
> Where:
> fd06c9c0-dcf7-4881-9bae-aafc1b8a8cf7
> is the ID of the Floating IP I want to associate to my instance.
> The stack gets created fine. The dashboard says that the association of
> the floating IP is exactly what I planned, i.e. the instance gets the
> Floating IP I wanted. But ssh connection gets refused!
> Then, if I deassociate by hand the floating IP associated by Heat and
> reassociate by hand the same Floating IP, everything works fine. So it
> seems like Heat associates the Floating IP, but it is not actually
> possible to connect to it. Whereas it works if you do it by hand 
> afterwards.
> Any clue?
> Cheers,
> Dave
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