[Openstack] [openstack-dev] [magnum] Fedora Atomic image that supports kubernetes external load balancer (for stable/mitaka)

Dane Leblanc (leblancd) leblancd at cisco.com
Wed Sep 7 18:48:48 UTC 2016

Does anyone have a pointer to a Fedora Atomic image that works with stable/mitaka Magnum, and supports the kubernetes external load balancer feature [1]?

I'm trying to test the kubernetes external load balancer feature with stable/mitaka Magnum. However, when I try to bring up a load-balanced service, I'm seeing these errors in the kube-controller-manager logs:
E0907 16:26:54.375286       1 servicecontroller.go:173] Failed to process service delta. Retrying: failed to create external load balancer for service default/nginx-service: SubnetID is required

I verified that I have the subnet-id field set in the [LoadBalancer] section in /etc/sysconfig/kube_openstack_config.

I've tried this using the following Fedora Atomic images from [2]:

According to the Magnum external load balancer blueprint [3], there were 3 patches in kubernetes that are required to get the OpenStack provider plugin to work in kubernetes:
The first of these patches, "Pass SubnetID to vips.Create()", is apparently necessary to fix the "SubnetID is required" error shown above.

According to the Magnum external load balancer blueprint [3], the fedora-21-atomic-6 image should include the above 3 fixes:
"Our work-around is to use our own custom Kubernetes build (version 1.0.4 + 3 fixes) until the fixes are released. This is in image fedora-21-atomic-6.qcow2"
However, I'm still seeing the "SubnetID is required" errors with this image downloaded from [2]. Here are the kube versions I'm seeing with this image:
[minion at k8-64n4bna2v6-0-ffukgho7n7tf-kube-master-fif5b6pivdmy sysconfig]$ rpm -qa | grep kube
[minion at k8-64n4bna2v6-0-ffukgho7n7tf-kube-master-fif5b6pivdmy sysconfig]$

Does anyone have a pointer to a Fedora Atomic image that contains the 3 kubernetes fixes listed earlier (and works with stable/mitaka)?


[1] http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/#type-loadbalancer
[2] https://fedorapeople.org/groups/magnum/
[3] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/external-lb

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