[Openstack] Change the default # of floating ips and security groups

Tomas Vondra vondra at czech-itc.cz
Tue Apr 12 08:42:20 UTC 2016

Jagga Soorma <jagga13 at ...> writes:

> Hi Guys,
> I need to change the default # of floating ips and security groups in
> our kilo based openstack environment which has been integrated into
> AD.  I don't see a Identity tab in the horizon ui (due to AD
> integration) and don't want to manually do this every time a new
> project is created.  Looks like I can possibly modify the neutron.conf
> file but not really sure if this is the correct thing to do:
> --
> $ cat neutron.conf |egrep -e 'quota_floatingip|quota_security_group '
> # quota_security_group = 10
> # quota_floatingip = 50
> --
> Any suggestions?  Also, if modifying the neutron.conf file is the
> correct thing to do then I am assuming I will have to restart
> neutron-server.service?  Would there be any impact if I do this on
> each of the controller nodes?  Also, there seem to be other neutron
> services, do any of those need to be bounced:
> --
> neutron-common-rundir.service
> neutron-dhcp-agent.service
> neutron-metadata-agent.service
> neutron-openvswitch-agent.service
> neutron-ovs-cleanup.service
> neutron-server.service
> neutron-vpn-agent.service
> --
> Thanks.

You are on the right track. The configuration depends on what quota driver
you have.
If it is
quota_driver = neutron.db.quota_db.DbQuotaDriver
then the values in neutron.conf are defaults that can be changed per user,
in case of
quota_driver = neutron.quota.ConfDriver
all users have the quotas from the config file.

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