[Openstack] [openstack][ceilometer][webhook]

Eoghan Glynn eglynn at redhat.com
Mon Mar 2 11:14:59 UTC 2015

> Hello,
> I have a running instance of ceilometer in my system, I want to create an
> alarm through ceilometer without using heat template. There is a command
> line API called ceilometer alarm-create.
> Now I want the alarm in such a way that it will trigger an instance creation
> after a value is greater than the threshold. I know that [--alarm-action
> <webhook url="">] serves the purpose. But what should i put in the Webhook
> url??

The webhook URL is simply a HTTP endpoint to which ceilometer will send
a POST request when the alarm fires.

> How do i generate a webhook url which will tell ceilometer to create an
> instance?

If you want to trigger the creation of an instance when the alarm fires,
that sounds exactly like what Heat autoscaling already provides (in that
case, the webhook endpoint is already provided by Heat, so you don't have
to set anything up from scratch).


> Can some body help me with regards to this web hook url</webhook>?
> Regards,
> Subbareddy,
> Persistent systems ltd.
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