[Openstack] Data from the OpenStack Dashboard for MSR Conference
Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona
jgb at bitergia.com
Wed Jun 10 23:23:46 UTC 2015
Hi all,
[Posting to this list per suggestion of Thierry Carrez]
There is an academic conference, Mining Software Repositories,
http://2015.msrconf.org , which is probably the most interesting venue
wrt techniques and technologies for mining information about software
development. Since several editions ago, they run a "Mining Challenge",
which is usually based in offering some data sets for researchers to
work with them. This year, they are having an open call for mining
challenge ideas, http://2016.msrconf.org/
After some interaction with them (well, I'm also a member of the MSR
community since several years ago), it became clear that they would be
very interested in having datasets from projects such as OpenStack, and
some involvement by the corresponding Foundation, to try to focus the
With that feedback, I'm preparing a proposal, including the data we're
maintaining at Bitergia for Eclipse, OpenStack and Wikimedia
Foundations. I would like to include some name from each of the
Foundations, as well. The idea is that this person(s) would help to
frame some interesting questions which would focus researchers, and
maybe help to find out the most interesting studies that are presented
by them. In your case, the data would be the databases used to produce
The process would be designed to minimize the work on your side: we
would produce the datasets, we would document them and take questions
and feedback from researchers. We would also do a pre-screening of
results so that you would only need to:
* During the following weeks, in an exchange of hopefully 2-3 email
messages, define the questions or areas that could interest you and your
communities more, and give your ok to the proposal we will present
(usually 2-3 pages long).
* During a period of about 3 weeks, probably around February-March 2016,
help us to define the best contributions (or those with more added value
for you), after the pre-screening we would perform. I don't think it
would be needed that you read more than 4-6 papers, which are usually 4
pages long.
Of course, you could be involved in more depth if you want, but that
would be the minimum. Selected results will be presented in Austin, TX,
during the next MSR (May 2016, if I'm not wrong).
To make the challenge a bit more funny, Bitergia will probably sponsor
some small presents for winners (we're also very interested in
researchers using our data formats and tools).
Do you agree that we use the OpenStack data, and would you nominate some
person(s) from your community that could collaborate, as stated above?
Bitergia: http://bitergia.com
/me at Twitter: https://twitter.com/jgbarah
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