[Openstack] July 15 Deadline Call for Speakers - OpenStack Summit Tokyo

Kendall Waters kendall at openstack.org
Mon Jul 6 17:07:20 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

Next Wednesday, July 15 at 11:59pm PDT is the deadline to submit a talk for the upcoming OpenStack Summit taking place in Tokyo, October 27-30. Hurry and submit a talk now!

Submit your speaking session proposals HERE <https://www.openstack.org/summit/tokyo-2015/call-for-speakers/>! 

Get advice and tips on creating a successful talk for the Tokyo Summit in this  <http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/how-to-craft-a-successful-openstack-summit-proposal>webinar <http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/how-to-craft-a-successful-openstack-summit-proposal> held by the Women of OpenStack. 

The visa application process for the OpenStack Summit Tokyo is different than previous Summits. Please review this information <https://www.openstack.org/summit/tokyo-2015/tokyo-and-travel/#visa> to see if you require a visa, the documents you need, as well as upcoming deadlines.

All Tokyo Summit details including hotel room blocks, will soon be made available at OpenStack.org/summit <http://openstack.org/summit>. Please continue to check back for updates! If you are a contributor to OpenStack and need financial assistance in order to travel to Tokyo to attend the Summit - you can apply for a grant through the Travel Support Program <https://www.openstack.org/summit/tokyo-2015/tokyo-and-travel/#travel-support>. 

If you have any questions, email summit at openstack.org <mailto:summit at openstack.org>. 

We look forward to seeing you in Tokyo!

The OpenStack Summit team
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