[Openstack] Devstack and Docker - Unable to "nova boot" a container

Tony Su tonysu at su-networking.com
Fri Dec 11 19:27:39 UTC 2015

Unable to launch a docker container using "nova boot" command
(OpenStack Wiki Docker) due to User permissions

Following instructions this reference

Although I'm installing on openSUSE, I don't believe the problem I'm
running into is distro-specific, it has to do with launching "nova
boot' with proper security context.

Have installed Devstack and Docker following the instructions on this page.
Based on this page, the install can be replicated on an openSUSE (I'm
deploying on LEAP) following the instructions and using the scripts I
created referenced on this page

The install is on LEAP 42.1

Now, am attempting to run the section in the Wiki "Testing Nova-Docker"
The commands assume using openrc, but because openSUSE is systemd
instead of openrc I am instead running the commands individually in a

$ docker pull cirros
$ docker save cirros | glance image-create --name cirros --visibility
public --container-format docker --disk-format raw
# nova boot image cirros --flavor ml.tiny dl

The above command results in an error

ERROR (Unauthorized): Invalid user / password (Disable debug mode to
suppress these details.) (HTTP 401) (Request-ID:

Note: although the following lists my attempts to resolve, even
without further attempts it's already possible to log in through
Horizon (dashboard) and see the cirros image downloaded by Docker
although it seems that Horizon cannot use it (can't access the actual
file location and possibly doesn't understand the docker format)

Have attempted the following to set user credentials:
- specify in the command line os-username=demo and os-userpassword=password
Result - No change
- create a file containing the following environmental variables(These
are same as was set in original Devstack setup) and sourcing it

export OS_USERNAME=demo
export OS_TENANT_NAME=default
export OS_PASSWORD=password
export OS_AUTH_URL=

Result: You can now verify successfully setting the values using echo,
but the "nova boot" command still results in same error

TIA if anyone can provide insight if I'm not interpreting the error
correctly or can resolve.


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