[Openstack] cinder issue
Yngvi Páll Þorfinnsson
yngvith at siminn.is
Thu Apr 9 12:49:34 UTC 2015
I think it was a mismatch of versions.
I recently (2 weeks ago) did an update&upgrade on controller, compute and network nodes.
Yesterday, I had run out of ideas and decided to update&upgrade storage nodes.
I've not introduced puppet or ansible yet to mangage those servers.
It's something I have as unfinished task.
My conclusion is that a mismatch of versions, was the explanation for those errors.
Currently all servers have this release:
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty
Best regards
From: Vijay Kakkar [mailto:vijaykakkars at gmail.com]
Sent: 9. apríl 2015 10:19
To: Yngvi Páll Þorfinnsson
Cc: openstack at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [Openstack] cinder issue
Hi Yngvi,
Does it mean the old version you were using had some bugs ? Will appreciate if you can share the release/build ? I have normally seen this error when you some configuration error or your storage isn't reachable.
On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Yngvi Páll Þorfinnsson <yngvith at siminn.is<mailto:yngvith at siminn.is>> wrote:
Hi, it's been resolved with a update&upgrade of storage nodes.
Best regards
From: Yngvi Páll Þorfinnsson
Sent: 8. apríl 2015 11:16
To: openstack at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: [Openstack] cinder issue
I've a problem with cinder.
My problem is:
When running "cinder list" the status of volume is "creating" forever.
I'm using the manual
"OpenStack Installation Guide for Ubuntu 14.04" - Juno
It's a demo volume created by
cinder create --display-name demo-volume1 1
I've created four storage nodes according to the manual.
When checking log files on those storage nodes, i.e.
There is one message repeated forever:
2015-04-08 10:44:12.941 1087 INFO cinder.volume.manager [-] Updating volume status
2015-04-08 10:45:12.945 1087 INFO cinder.volume.manager [-] Updating volume status
On the Controller node, this is logged in the log file:
2015-04-08 10:48:48.008 2974 INFO eventlet.wsgi.server [req-e6c0890e-020f-41d5-af64-f79b09bcd3eb 2b9d0a12842446fbb4119f4f1ea829a4 380fd138329f40a3bef6f7c29eb29af8 - - -] - - [08/Apr/2015 10:48:48] "GET /v1/380fd138329f40a3bef6f7c29eb29af8/volumes/detail HTTP/1.1" 200 1283 0.169502
The status is the same in the openstack dashboard, Horizon.
Can anyone explain and/or hint at a solution for this situation?
Best regards
Yngvi Páll Þorfinnsson
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