[Openstack] Nas/NFS option in Cinder - Openstack Icehouse

Fiorenza Meini fmeini at esseweb.eu
Mon Oct 6 07:53:47 UTC 2014

Hi there,
I'm trying to configure a NFS volume, which is shared by a NAS.
I'm little confused on the configuration:
I found these options in cinder configuration file, under NFS section:
# Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.nfs
nas_ip =
nas_login = admin
nas_password =
nas_private_key =
nas_ssh_port = 22

I presume they are relate the NFS shared resource connection, is this 
true? Previously I had Openstack Havana, where nas options weren't 
present and I configured only nfs_shares_config.

What is "nas_ssh_port" option for ? NFS shouldn't use SSH.

I configured this option too, nfs_shares_config=/etc/cinder/nfs_shares



Fiorenza Meini
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