[Openstack] Ceilometer: alarm not generating

Bill Arnold barnold at us.ibm.com
Tue Mar 18 16:05:38 UTC 2014

Do you mean to use the cpu meter not cpu_util?
Also, there is no filtering so the statistics query done by the alarm
evaluator would return information for all vms.
Try (roughly)
ceilometer statistics -m cpu --period 60

-Bill Arnold

From:	<m.channappa.negalur at accenture.com>
To:	<openstack at lists.openstack.org>,
Date:	03/18/2014 03:24 AM
Subject:	[Openstack] Ceilometer:  alarm not generating

Hello All,
I have configured Havana set up on Ubuntu 12.04 with Ceilometer.

Ceilometer is not producing any alarm even though condition is met , Below
is the detail

root at controller:/var/log/ceilometer# ceilometer alarm-threshold-create
--name cpuutlization --project-id 536518d5b38d4f3e9dcab26403d4d6e8
--user-id admin --description Threshholdvalue --state alarm --enabled True
--alarm-action 'log://' --meter-name cpu --period 60 --evaluation-periods 1
--statistic avg --comparison-operator 'gt' --threshold 30 --repeat-actions
| Property                  | Value
| alarm_actions             | [u'log://']
| user_id                   | admin
| name                      | cpuutlization
| enabled                   | True
| rule                      | {u'meter_name': u'cpu',
u'evaluation_periods': 1, u'period': 60, |
|                           | u'statistic': u'avg', u'threshold': 30.0,
u'query': [],          |
|                           | u'comparison_operator': u'gt'}
| alarm_id                  | eb56440e-2510-4be3-80b6-dfbd7262cfb2
| state                     | alarm
| insufficient_data_actions | []
| repeat_actions            | True
| ok_actions                | []
| project_id                | 536518d5b38d4f3e9dcab26403d4d6e8
| type                      | threshold
| description               | Threshholdvalue

I launched my stack and using stress command I increased cpu load ,
according to above condition once my condition met there should be some
logs in my  ceilometer-alarm-evaluator.log ceilometer-alarm-notifier.log
…but nothing is there in my log ..

Is there any addition configurations need to be done ..?

Malleshi C N

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