[Openstack] heat autoscaling group/instance relationships

Steven Hardy shardy at redhat.com
Wed Jun 11 08:44:01 UTC 2014

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 07:34:35PM -0400, Mike Spreitzer wrote:
>    Aaron Knister <aaron.knister at gmail.com> wrote on 06/10/2014 02:40:09 PM:
>    > I'm trying to figure out how to determine all instances that were
>    > created as part of a given autoscaling group. I want to take a given
>    > autoscaling group and list all of its instances. So far I can't
>    > figure out how to do this. The instances themselves have a tag
>    > called "AutoScalingGroupName" (mystack-MyServerGroup-f3r72ifsj2jq
>    > for example) but the value of that doesn't seem to map to anything.
>    > A resource-show on the autoscaling group doesn't seem to show any
>    > identifier that maps to the autoscaling group name.
>    > Any ideas on how I can do this?
>    Each of the four kinds of scaling group (InstanceGroup, ResourceGroup, and
>    both AutoScalingGroups) is a nested stack.  List its members the same way
>    you would list the members of any nested stack.  E.g., on the CLI,
>    heat resource-list ${name or UUID of the nested stack}
>    That will give you a disappointing listing.  You can get a little more
>    info about a given member by
>    heat resource-show ${name or UUID of the nested stack} ${member name}
>    That will still be disappointing.  But it will include the "physical ID"
>    --- which is the UUID, and you already know how to get what you want from
>    that.

In what way is the listing "disappointing"?  This kind of unqualified
negative language is not helpful at all IMO :(


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