[Openstack] OpenStack "Soft Reboot Instance" does not gracefully restart Instances

Martinx - ジェームズ thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 04:51:35 UTC 2014

Well, filled a BUG about this:


On 20 July 2014 17:53, Martinx - ジェームズ <thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Stackers,
>  I really need to change the behavior of "Shut Off Instance" at Horizon,
> it needs to "gracefully halt" the instance via ACPI, instead of just
> destroying it.
>  How can I do that?!
> Thanks!
> Thiago
> On 21 June 2014 20:47, Martinx - ジェームズ <thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey Anne, tks for your reply!
>> In fact, I would like to reconfigure the action of "*Shut Off Instance*",
>> accessible from Horizon menu.
>> The action "Soft Reboot Instance" *works okay*. But, "*Shut Off Instance*"
>> destroys it and I would like to make it work like "virsh shutdown
>> instance-XXX" instead...
>> I would like to "Shut Off Instance" using acpi (like pushing power off
>> button of real hardware), just like "Soft Reboot Instance" does (using
>> acpi) for rebooting it...
>> I can check this by connecting at the instance via ssh, to watch the
>> reboot / halt, like this:
>> By clicking on "Soft Reboot Instance", from within it, I'm seeing:
>> ---
>> ssh ubuntu at instance-0047
>> ubuntu at instance-0047:~$ sudo -i
>> root at instance-0047:~# tail -f /var/log/syslog
>> ....
>> Broadcast message from root at instance-0047
>>         (unknown) at 20:24 ...
>> *The system is going down for halt NOW!*
>> *Power button pressed *
>> Jun 21 20:24:25 instance-0047 kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.
>> Jun 21 20:24:25 instance-0047 rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd"
>> swVersion="5.8.6" x-pid="881" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com"] exiting
>> on signal 15.
>> Connection to closed by remote host.
>> Connection to closed.
>> ---
>> ...it works as expected...
>> But, when I click at "Shut Off Instance", then, *the instance is simple
>> destroyed!* The ssh session into the instance *froze*, and I'm not
>> seeing that "Power button pressed" message from within it. I believe that
>> this isn't expected... Am I right?!
>> Thanks,
>> Thiago
>> On 21 June 2014 13:16, Anne Gentle <anne at openstack.org> wrote:
>>> Seems like nova reboot <server> is a default soft (graceful shutdown and
>>> restart). Use nova reboot --hard <server> for a forced shutdown and restart.
>>> http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/content/reboot.html
>>> Is that what you seek?
>>> On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Martinx - ジェームズ <
>>> thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Guys,
>>>>  No one knows how to achieve this?!
>>>>  Using libvirt / virt-manager directly connected at the Compute Node, I
>>>> can gracefully reboot any instance but, not from Horizon / OpenStack...
>>>> Best!
>>>> Thiago
>>>> On 10 June 2014 20:53, Martinx - ジェームズ <thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Stackers,
>>>>>  When I click at Horizon, in "Soft Reboot Instance / Shut Off
>>>>> Instance", the instance is simple "Restarted / Destroyed".
>>>>>  So, how to tell (Nova?) OpenStack to gracefully reboot its Instances?
>>>>> Tks!
>>>>> Thiago
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