[Openstack] [Neutron] setup metadata proxy in Havana

Jonathan Proulx jon at jonproulx.com
Mon Jan 13 16:36:15 UTC 2014


This is an Ubuntu packaging bug.  Most of the quantum pieces are still
installed and at least the metadata-agent is actually still running
and bound to the port I want.

# dpkg --get-selections | grep quantum
python-quantum                    install
python-quantumclient                install
quantum-common                    install
quantum-dhcp-agent                install
quantum-l3-agent                install
quantum-lbaas-agent                deinstall
quantum-metadata-agent                install
quantum-plugin-openvswitch            install
quantum-plugin-openvswitch-agent        install
quantum-server                    install

purging these and manually killing all the stragglers (ps aux|grep
quantum|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill) the restarting the neutron
equivalents  once the ports are released makes everything happy.

Details to how finally noticed are inline below


On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 9:06 AM, Darragh O'Reilly
<dara2002-openstack at yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Monday, 13 January 2014, 13:34, Jonathan Proulx <jon at jonproulx.com> wrote:

>>Now I'm getting an internal server error because:
>>connect(13, {sa_family=AF_FILE,
>>path="/var/lib/quantum/metadata_proxy"}, 33) = -1 ECONNREFUSED
>>(Connection refused)
> hmm - I wonder if your problem is to do with a quantum/neutron naming mixup?
> Was this an upgrade install? Your state_path still seems to be /var/lib/quantum/

state_path is undefined in metadata_agent.ini but is defined in neutron.conf:

/etc/neutron/neutron.conf:state_path = /var/lib/neutron

> Is the neutron-metadata-agent listening on /var/lib/neutron/metadata_proxy instead?
> lsof | grep metadata_proxy

yes it is (as it should be):

# lsof | grep metadata_proxy
neutron-m 25862     neutron    4u     unix 0xffff8800b9971d40
0t0 3191905146 /var/lib/neutron/metadata_proxy

# ps 25862
25862 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/bin/python

....BUT that's not what's listening:

# ip netns exec qdhcp-0a1d0a27-cffa-4de3-92c5-9d3fd3f2e74d  netstat -tlp
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address
State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0 *:http                  *:*
LISTEN      6394/python

# ps 6394
 6394 ?        S      5:05 python /usr/bin/quantum-ns-metadata-proxy

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