[Openstack] Neutron issue "ERROR: Multiple possible networks found, use a Network ID to be more specific"

Gonçalo Borges goncalo at lip.pt
Wed Aug 6 16:24:39 UTC 2014

Dear All...

1) I'm running Openstack Havana with Neutron.


2) In my setup, I have two networks configured, a private and a public one.

# nova net-list
| ID                                   | Label   | CIDR |
| 44a731ad-72c9-4915-9bb6-a6c86e37449c | private | -    |
| 82c1ff14-8922-4985-9153-5b9e18d81803 | public  | -    |


3) I can only start a machine using nova client if I specify the 
network, otherwise, it returns "ERROR: Multiple possible networks found, 
use a Network ID to be more specific"

a) # nova boot --flavor 2 --image fe16c307-86d3-4cdc-b2e9-09bc0e9603e0 
ERROR: Multiple possible networks found, use a Network ID to be more 
specific. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-15da2328-29a5-4290-aec7-1f4a68aaa793)

b) # nova boot --flavor 2 --image fe16c307-86d3-4cdc-b2e9-09bc0e9603e0 
--nic net-id=44a731ad-72c9-4915-9bb6-a6c86e37449c Test2
| Property                             | 
Value                                            |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig                    | 
MANUAL                                           |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone          | 
nova                                             |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host                 | 
-                                                |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname  | 
-                                                |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name        | 
instance-0000002b                                |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state               | 
0                                                |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state                | 
scheduling                                       |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                  | 
building                                         |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at               | 
-                                                |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at             | 
-                                                |
| accessIPv4 |                                                  |
| accessIPv6 |                                                  |
| adminPass                            | 
W2g3EbpXTgDG                                     |
| config_drive |                                                  |
| created                              | 
2014-08-06T16:02:55Z                             |
| flavor                               | m1.small 
(2)                                     |
| hostId |                                                  |
| id                                   | 
6a9d2e80-f883-4d9b-addb-e974ec18c138             |
| image                                | Fedora 19 
(fe16c307-86d3-4cdc-b2e9-09bc0e9603e0) |
| key_name                             | 
-                                                |
| metadata                             | 
{}                                               |
| name                                 | 
Test2                                            |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | 
[]                                               |
| progress                             | 
0                                                |
| security_groups                      | 
default                                          |
| status                               | 
BUILD                                            |
| tenant_id                            | 
28d05f91417d4cef9859bd68b0b45830                 |
| updated                              | 
2014-08-06T16:02:56Z                             |
| user_id                              | 
31f7fd90395d4de1beda8bc44928503e                 |


4) I do not understand why it is mandatory to start a machine with a 
network interface already attached. As far as I know, this was not the 
case when nova-network was used.

My underlying problem with the way this is working now is that I'm part 
of a cloud federation, which provides rocci clients to the users. 
Currently, using rocci, users start a VM and then attach a network to it 
in two different steps. There is no way to do these two operations in 
rocci in the same step. As a consequence, they can not start machines 
when we have an OpenStack with Neutron.


5) Finally, I wonder if there is a way to actually establish a default 
network. The desired behaviour would be to associate a VM to a default 
network, if nothing is stated otherwise.

Thank you for any help

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