[Openstack] custom url for openstack dashboard

Matthias Runge mrunge at redhat.com
Mon Jun 24 08:25:44 UTC 2013

On 24/06/13 08:07, Anshul Gangwar wrote:
> Hi JuanFra,
> This is not solving my problem. I want a solution where urls are
> relative to certain fixed string  say os.
> Currently I can either make them relative by making changes in
> settings.py or absolute.
> for example when I see page source I can see urls are of form
> /static/*
> /auth/*
> what I want is that when these urls are returned to browser, they are
> prefixed with some string like
> /os/static/*
> /os/auth/*
> this os string is added on the fly i.e. these urls are absolute, but
> relative to certain fixed string.
>  Thanks,
> Anshul
What I have done in rpm packages is:
(from httpd.conf)
WSGIScriptAlias /dashboard
Alias /static /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/static

and also required:
(from /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/settings.py:

WEBROOT = '/dashboard'
LOGIN_URL = WEBROOT + '/auth/login/'
LOGOUT_URL = WEBROOT + '/auth/logout/'
# LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL can be used as an alternative for
# HORIZON_CONFIG.user_home, if user_home is not set.
# Do not set it to '/home/', as this will cause circular redirect loop

MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '..', 'media'))
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '..', 'static'))
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/static/admin/'

This whole stuff maps the dashboard to /dashboard. You're free to change
/dashboard to whatever you like. (the wsgiscriptalias  and also WEBROOT
needs to be changed).

This implies, that you can accept to have static media mapped to /static.


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