[Openstack] FreeBSD on OpenStack (bsd-cloudinit)

Haefliger, Juerg Juerg.Haefliger at hp.com
Wed Dec 11 07:42:11 UTC 2013

> On 11/30/13 12:29 PM, Pellaeon Lin wrote:
> Hi,
> I and my coworkers built a tool called "bsd-cloudinit" to help create FreeBSD cloud images. It should be quite useful for running FreeBSD instances on OpenStack.
> bsd-cloudinit is equivalent to cloud-init for FreeBSD, it reads environment variables (metadata) and sets up the instance accordingly on first boot. Things like injecting SSH public keys, setting hostname, enlarging root partition are all 
> handled by bsd-cloudinit.
> bsd-cloudinit-installer is a shell script that installs bsd-cloudinit and transforms VM into instance template.
> Our documentation: http://pellaeon.github.io/bsd-cloudinit/
> Feedbacks welcomed!
Are there any reasons why you didn't extend the existing cloud-init to support FreeBSD? Now there are three different cloud-init projects floating around (for Windows, FreeBSD and Linux) which IMHO is suboptimal.
FYI, there's a current merge proposal to add initial FreeBSD support to cloud-init: https://code.launchpad.net/~harm-o/cloud-init/freebsd/+merge/198130


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