[Openstack] Openstack in centos and Xen sever- Single node setup

Bob Ball bob.ball at citrix.com
Tue Aug 27 08:33:35 UTC 2013

The guide for setting up OpenStack with XenServer is at http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-compute/admin/content/introduction-to-xen.html.

I would personally recommend using XenServer 6.2 as that is fully open source and includes features such as the live storage migration in the free version.  XenServer 5.6 is now very dated.

The "No host is available" is simply a message that says the controller node has not been set up properly - although it's not clear from your nova.conf snippet why that is.  You'll need to check the output produced by Nova to see what the error in connecting was.  It might be to do with network setup, or the username/password details.

Unfortunately I don't have experience of RDO but I would hope that the nova output is redirected to a log file, possibly in /var/log.



From: SriHarish Ramesh [mailto:eie.harish at gmail.com]
Sent: 26 August 2013 13:29
To: openstack at lists.openstack.org
Subject: [Openstack] Openstack in centos and Xen sever- Single node setup


I have installed XEN 5.6 in a physical machine and Openstack(Grizzly)in CentOS VM separately following RDO guide.
I have changed the answer file and updated the xen machine details. xen machine and centos vm are in the same network.




I tried restarting the centos machine and via dashboard when trying to create a VM, "No host is available" message is thrown.
I managed to deploy openstack in centos, but not  able to add host to the openstack.
Is there a step by step guide to configure the host to openstack?

Thanks and Regards
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