[Openstack] [Blueprint automatic-secure-key-generation] Automatic SECURE_KEY generation

Paul McMillan Paul.McMillan at Nebula.com
Tue Jun 19 02:55:29 UTC 2012

> Ah, you're thinking of a setup where there are multiple dashboard VMs
> behind a load-balancer serving requests. Indeed, there the dashboard
> instances should either share the SECRET_KEY or the load-balancer has to
> make sure that all requests of a given session are redirected to the
> same dashboard instance.

I'm concerned that anything which automatically generates a secret key 
will cause further problems down the line for other users. For example, 
you've clearly experienced what happens when you use more than one 
worker and generate a per-process key. Imagine trying to debug that same 
problem on a multi-system cloud (with a load balancer that usually 
routes people to the same place, but not always). If you aren't forced 
to learn about this setting during deployment, you are faced with a 
nearly impossible problem of "users just sometimes get logged out".

I feel like this patch is merely kicking the can down the road just a 
little past where your particular project needs it to be, without 
thinking about the bigger picture.

I'm sure you're not seriously suggesting that a large-scale production 
deployment of openstack will be served entirely by a single point of 
failure dashboard server.

> But shouldn't local_settings.py still take preference over settings.py?
> Thus the admin could still set a specific SECRET_KEY in
> local_settings.py regardless of the default (auto-generated) one. So I
> only would have to fix the patch by not removing the documentation about
> SECRET_KEY from local_settings.py, right?

I agree with Gabriel. Horizon should ship with no secret key (so it 
won't start until you set one). At most, it should automatically 
generate a key on a per-process basis, or possibly as part of run_tests, 
so that getting started with development is easy. Under no circumstances 
should it attempt to read the mind of an admin doing a production 
deployment, because it will invariably do the wrong thing more often 
than the right. As a security issue, it's important that admins READ THE 
DOCUMENTATION. Preventing the project from starting until they address 
the issue is one good way.

> Unfortunately, this is only relevant for securing production
> deployments. Nobody cares if a developer instance is setup securely ;-)

I beg to differ. Opening trivially exploitable holes in development 
machines (especially laptops) can be extremely damaging. (you did read 
the docs about the consequences of disclosing a secret key, right?)

If we don't force developers and end-users to read the documentation, 
particularly around security features, they will get them wrong. "Best 
Guess" security isn't a business I want to be in.


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