[Openstack] [subteams] Update from nova-subteams Meeting
Vishvananda Ishaya
vishvananda at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 23:42:50 UTC 2011
Hello everyone,
* subteam discussions will happen on the main mailing list
* inter-team communication will use the [subteams] header
* subteam lead is responsible for making sure ML discussion doesn't devolve into bikeshedding
* launchpad groups will remain for blueprint tracking
* subteam leads need to pay more attention to blueprint targetting
Longer Version:
We had a quick subteam meeting to discuss the best way to communicate between subteams. I've included the minutes at the bottom of this email for anyone who missed it.
We are going to try and improve our communication without adding move meetings. Subteams are also encouraged to do as much as possible through the ML so that people in all timezones can collaborate. We recognize that meetings may be needed occasionally, but we can schedule these as needed.
So people can filter properly, when discussing team related topics, please use the short [header] listed on the page here:
Subteam leads, you're responsible for shepherding discussions with your header. Keep the discussion pointed so that we don't devolve into bikeshedding.
Meta-communication with subteams will use the [subteams] header. I will bugging team leads about blueprints using this header, so team leads, pay attention to it!
Subteam leads, check your blueprints and target them. I will be doing a review of untargetted blueprints and sending out an email with specific concerns and requests.
Meeting Minutes:
#openstack-meeting Meeting
Meeting started by vishy at 21:04:23 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* First Nova Subteam Meeting (vishy, 21:04:37)
* Best method of communication (vishy, 21:05:25)
* Goals for communication: (vishy, 21:05:41)
* Efficiently managing and targeting blueprints (vishy, 21:06:08)
* Addressing shared blueprints and work across teams (vishy,
* Ensuring we aren't duplicating work (vishy, 21:06:34)
* Ensuring we aren't blocking each other (vishy, 21:06:42)
* Staying abreast of decisions made by teams (vishy, 21:06:49)
* Staying aligned with the release schedule (vishy, 21:06:58)
* IDEA: the team leads are probably enough to prevent bikeshedding
(vishy, 21:10:48)
* IDEA: so we can return to ML discussions if the team leads are
willing to keep the discussions focused and directed. (vishy,
* ACTION: vishy to email the list explaining use of the list by
subteams. (vishy, 21:14:09)
* subteams will not use separate mailing lists, but still have value
for blueprint tracking (vishy, 21:17:30)
* Blueprint management and targetting (vishy, 21:17:53)
* we need to get better at assigning and targetting blueprints
(vishy, 21:18:16)
* ACTION: bcwaldon to clean up nova-api blueprints and email about
targeting (vishy, 21:25:57)
* ACTION: vishy to look over other blueprints and send out specific
email to [subteam] highlighting issues (vishy, 21:26:26)
* open discussion (vishy, 21:28:12)
Meeting ended at 21:29:18 UTC.
Action items, by person
* bcwaldon
* bcwaldon to clean up nova-api blueprints and email about targeting
* vishy
* vishy to email the list explaining use of the list by subteams.
* vishy to look over other blueprints and send out specific email to
[subteam] highlighting issues
People present (lines said)
* vishy (75)
* bcwaldon (49)
* _0x44 (6)
* mtaylor (3)
* openstack (2)
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