[Openstack] Steps order in "Configuring OpenStack Object Storage" docs

Konstantin Ivanov i_konstantin at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 9 00:07:52 UTC 2011

hi all, 

I am in process of installing and configuring my first openstack object storage, 
however I am having a small difficulty understand the steps involved under 
"Configuring OpenStack object Storage" category. Step number 7 under subsection 
for configuring Proxy node lists commands to add storage nodes to the proxy node 
(by entering <STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP) for each device), but the instructions for 
configuring storage nodes found later within that section. This does not make 
sense to me. Should one configure the storage nodes first before configuring 
proxy and auth nodes? How can I enter the information in step 7 if none of the 
storage nodes have been configured? 

Any help is appreciated. 


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