[openstack-tw] OpenStack Day Taiwan 2nd Preparatory Meeting Time

Joanna (via Doodle) mailer at doodle.com
Tue Apr 7 05:35:13 UTC 2015

Hi there,

Joanna (joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com) invites you to participate in
the Doodle poll "OpenStack Day Taiwan 2nd Preparatory Meeting Time."

Joanna says:
Hi all,
  I've created a Doodle poll for you guys to suggest your
free time slots for our next meeting. Please click on the blue button
"Participate now" then enter your name and note your availability at
each time slot. Thanks a lot!

Participate now

What is Doodle? Doodle is a web service that helps Joanna to find a
suitable date for meeting with a group of people. Learn more about how
Doodle works.


You have received this e-mail because "Joanna" has invited you to
participate in the Doodle poll "OpenStack Day Taiwan 2nd Preparatory
Meeting Time."


Doodle AG, Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zürich
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