[Openstack-track-chairs] [OpenStack-track-chair] OpenStack Track Chair App improvements suggestions

Denys Makogon Denys at gigaspaces.com
Sat Feb 6 12:51:50 UTC 2016

Hello to All.

While doing submission reviews i found Track Chair App user experience may be improved.

First of all, i'd suggest to make next changes :

  *   modify submissions list by ?dividing it into three sections:
     *   new (which are not reviewed by you)
     *   reviewed (those that were already reviewed by you)
     *   moved (those that were moved from other tracks to yours)
  *   ?add "Review" button to each submission in order to make review process more consistent for Track Chairs

Next things is - email notifications. It would be very useful to get notification about:

  *   ?submission comments (it would be useful to have notification system similar to IRC, using Track Chair names and post a comment to whole team).
  *   moved submissions (for now, as i can see, we have to revisit portal in order to check if any submission was moved to the track that i am responsible for).

?So, this are things that may improve user experience. Probably you have your own list of things that may improve review process.

Kind regards,
Denys Makogon

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