[openstack-tc] Application Developer recruitment survey

Kruithof Jr, Pieter pieter.kruithof.jr at intel.com
Thu May 26 14:16:41 UTC 2016


OpenStack UX, User Committee and the foundation’s marketing team have been working on a short survey to recruit application developers.

The question for the techncial committee is whether we are able to use your name in the introduction for the survey:

"The OpenStack Foundation and Technical Committee are distributing a survey to help the open source community understand application developers and build more relevant products. The survey should take no more than ten minutes to complete.

As thanks for your time, three people will be randomly selected to win a $100 gift card.


The goal of the recruitment survey is to generate a pool of application developers who are interested in participating in user research activities on behalf of the community.  The survey contains eight questions that can be used to screen potential participants for upcoming studies i.e. “We need to recruit eight participants with at least three years experience developing applications on a public cloud for a usability study.” App developers are difficult to recruit because they are less likely to attend community events or leverage the OpenStack IRC channels which is why we’re making a specific effort to recruit them.

The survey includes questions for the following areas:

* Company Type (Academic, ISV, etc)
* Company size
* Location of respondent
* Years developing apps
* App development languages
* Public clouds used by respondent (if at all)
* Private clouds used by respondent (if at all)
* Whether they participate in the community

We are trying to keep the survey as short as possible because we’re trying to recruit as many application developers as possible.  As Flanders noted, it’s challenging to have folks complete a survey at a conference or summit if they need to stand there for more than a couple of minutes.

The data collected from the survey will be managed by the foundation and email addresses for the respondents will not be shared with the community.

Let me know your thoughts.  In the meantime, we can always swap-out "OpenStack Foundation and Technical Committee” with “OpenStack UX project”.



Piet Kruithof
Sr User Experience Architect, Intel OTC
PTL, OpenStack UX Project

Mobile: 512 576-2844
IRC: piet
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