[openstack-tc] upgrade testing expectation

Sean Dague sean at dague.net
Wed Apr 9 17:07:26 UTC 2014

I've proposed another add to the expectations post graduation to the
governance repo - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86162/

This was in the original QA requirements proposal, however when that got
restructured, it got lost somewhere. Also happy to discuss it if there
are any concerns.

As a scorecard today the following projects participate in upgrade testing:

 * Nova
 * Swift
 * Keystone
 * Glance
 * Cinder
 * Horizon
 * Neutron (new as of this week)

Projects that don't (yet)
 * Heat
 * Ceilometer
 * Trove
 * Sahara

Nova also gets a gold star for participating in partial upgrade testing
(ability to run a last stable compute with master control plane). That's
something we'll want to get more projects which have multiple services
to participate in the future. However definitely is beyond the proposed


Sean Dague
Samsung Research America
sean at dague.net / sean.dague at samsung.com

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