[openstack-tc] Motion on Technical Committee membership for Spring 2013 session
Thierry Carrez
thierry at openstack.org
Thu Jan 24 10:28:36 UTC 2013
Following the discussion at [1], option (3) appears to have supporters,
no strong opposition or amendments proposed. No alternate option was
fully detailed, and we need to come to a decision ASAP in order to set
the agenda for the upcoming Spring 2013 elections.
I therefore propose the following special motion for voting at the next
Technical Committee meeting. The business summary is that all TC members
would be directly-elected, and all elections (PTLs and TC) would happen
at the same time, with 10 members being elected at the Spring 2013
election. If you have comments, please reply to openstack-dev for public
1. Amend the "TC Members" section of the Technical Committee Charter[2]
like this:
=TC Members=
The TC is composed of *13 directly-elected members*. It is partially
renewed using elections every 6 months. All TC members must be OpenStack
Foundation individual members. You can cumulate any other role,
including Foundation Director, with a TC seat.
2. Amend the "Election for PTL seats" section like this:
=Election for PTL seats=
PTL seats are completely renewed every 6 months. A separate election is
run for each core project and each library project that has its own PTL.
These elections are collectively held *4* weeks prior to each design
summit, with nominations due *5* weeks prior to the summit and elections
held open for no less than five business days.
3.Amend the "Election for extra TC seats" section like this:
=Election for *TC seats*=
The *13 TC seats* are partially renewed every 6 months using staggered
elections: *7* seats are renewed every Fall, and *6* seats are renewed
every Spring. For this election we'll use a multiple-winner election
system (see below). The election is held *4* weeks prior to each design
summit, with nominations due *5* weeks prior to the summit and elections
held open for no less than five business days.
4. For the Spring 2013 elections, we'll exceptionally elect 10 members.
The first 6 will be granted a one-year term, while the next 4 will be
granted a 6-month term.
Note that according to our Charter[2] special motions need the
affirmative vote of at least *two-thirds* of the total number of TC
members (that means: more "YES" than "NO" votes, and at least 9 "YES").
If the special motion doesn't pass, the status quo is preserved, which
means if new core/integrated projects get added, their PTLs will
automatically get TC seats and increase the committee size above 13.
[2] http://wiki.openstack.org/Governance/Foundation/TechnicalCommittee
Thierry Carrez (ttx)
Chair, OpenStack Technical Committee
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