[Openstack-sigs] [self-healing] tool for tracking actions

Adam Spiers aspiers at suse.com
Tue Nov 28 18:05:33 UTC 2017

UKASICK, ANDREW <au3678 at att.com> wrote:
>Hi Adam.
>Some people seem to get riled up whenever I mention this, but I'm
>going to anyway.

Not me :-)  Although I have a strong preference for F/OSS solutions,
so actually I was being somewhat hypocritical by suggesting Trello ;-)
I probably should have suggested Taiga instead.

>Since you mentioned Trello, which is owned by Atlassian, it's worth
>considering using Jira/Confluence as well.  Atlassian provides free
>Jira and Confluence licenses for open-source efforts. You can either
>host them on your own server or Atlassian will host them on their
>cloud for you. If you opt to host on your own infra, then you can
>ALSO get ANY of the 1000's of add-ons in the Atlassian Marketplace
>(https : // marketplace . atlassian . com) for free as well. For ex,
>among them are an add-ons that will let you integrate with
>OpenStack's Git, Gerrit and IRC, as well as just about any other
>functionality that you can think of. If you're hosted on Atlassian's
>cloud, you can only get add-ons created 'by Atlassian' for free;
>that's the trade-off. In LCOO we have our instances hosted on
>Atlassian's cloud and it's been very beneficial (see https : //
>openstack-lcoo . atlassian . net).

Very interesting and useful to know, thanks!

>*BTW, I broke up the url's because otherwise my employers email
>system horribly corrupts them in the name of 'safety'.

Haha oh dear, my sympathies ;-)

>If interested, here's where you can make the request:  https : // www . Atlassian . com /software/views/open-source-license-request
>While most Atlassian products are not open-source themselves
>(although some are) they none the less come much closer than most
>others out there.  For example, they're free for non-profit
>charitable organizations and open-source uses. If you host on your
>own infra, then licenses (free or otherwise) are perpetual. They also
>give all customers the source code and permission to modify it
>without nullifying product support. For small efforts of ANY kind
>there are 10 user licenses available for only $10 (total) per year
>(includes a perpetual license and 12 months support) which,
>considering the support is arguably better than free. All proceeds
>from the $10 a year licenses are donated to charity.

That's actually a lot better than I expected, and good to know.

I see the requirements for a tracker tool for the SIG as being the

  - Actions need:
      - short titles
      - longer descriptions
      - assignments to one or people
      - a workflow state (e.g. "todo", "in progress", "blocked", "done")

  - Gives a quick visual overview of all actions on one screen.

  - Can expose all actions to the whole community without requiring

  - Editing requires login in order to build an audit trail.

  - Exposes an activity feed.

Nice to haves:

  - Supports rich text markup, e.g. Markdown or RST.

  - Web GUI allows collaborative real-time editing.

  - Time deadlines.

  - Notification via email.

  - Keyboard shortcuts

I'm really not sure we need much more.  I'd welcome other opinions,
but based on this, my take is that Jira would be quite significantly
overkill for this fledgling SIG right now.  We won't have many tasks
to track, and the majority of tasks will not be coding related, at
least not early on.  Later, I hope the SIG will help guide project
development, but even if it does, OpenStack already has project
management workflows and tools for that, so it would not make sense to
try and usurp those.

Does that make sense?

>And no, I don't work for Atlassian... but, full disclosure, I do own
>some of their stock... so far so good, fingers crossed.  ;-)


Thanks for the very welcome input!

>Andrew Ukasick
>Principal Systems Engineer
>AT&T Integrated Cloud (AIC)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Adam Spiers [mailto:aspiers at suse.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 6:53 AM
>To: openstack-sigs at lists.openstack.org
>Subject: [Openstack-sigs] [self-healing] tool for tracking actions
>Thanks Eric!
>Initial thoughts - it would be helpful to have somewhere central to
>collaboratively track all actions associated with the SIG.
>My personal recommendation would be Trello, since I know for sure that
>that would do the job very nicely.  But if Storyboard is considered
>ready for this kind of use and is the preferred route, I'm happy to
>give that a try instead.

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