[Openstack-security] Seeking a moderator for ops security summit session
Tom Fifield
tom at openstack.org
Tue Apr 1 03:37:59 UTC 2014
Going quickly back to the overall aims:
1 Gather feedback on the issues that come up in running OpenStack and
work to communicate this throughout the community
2 Create a forum in which to share best practices and architectures
between interested parties
3 Increase constructive, proactive involvement from those running
clouds in the design summit (as opposed to just checking email while
watching presentations ^_^), and afterward
In terms of the 'moderator', we need someone who is able to make those
aims happen, in this session, for security. Someone who can extract
from people in the room those security niggles that they've been having
in neutron but haven't reported, or convincing someone to share that
awesome openstack snort setup that they have going for nova vms, or
encouraging everyone to join OSSG :)
Does that make more sense?
On 01/04/14 11:24, Sriram Subramanian wrote:
> Looks like Bryan is already signed up from OSSG.
> Tom - do you want a team to chat, or one person to moderate. Sorry it
> wasn't clear.
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 8:20 PM, Sriram Subramanian
> <sriram at sriramhere.com <mailto:sriram at sriramhere.com>> wrote:
> Tom, I would love to. Signingup
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Tom Fifield <tom at openstack.org
> <mailto:tom at openstack.org>> wrote:
> Hi,
> backstory @
> http://lists.openstack.org/__pipermail/openstack-operators/__2014-March/004180.html
> <http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-operators/2014-March/004180.html>
> etherpad @
> https://etherpad.openstack.__org/p/ATL-ops-unconference-RFC
> <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ATL-ops-unconference-RFC>
> The short version is: we've got some space for talking ops in
> design-summit style at the Atlanta summit.
> In this, there's a slot to chat security which needs a
> moderator/session leader. Anyone keen? Please sign up on the
> etherpad :)
> Ideas that came up during brainstorming are:
> What should any cloud be doing (and can we make this default) ?
> How does an operator address an auditor ?
> Inspection/Surveillance of user VMs ?
> Answers to common concerns (hypervisor breakout, openrc
> variables in environment,
> What tools can we recommend ?
> and include into the gate to ensure impact is low in future
> Inspection/Surveillance of user VMs ?
> Regards,
> Tom
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> --
> Thanks,
> -Sriram
> --
> Thanks,
> -Sriram
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