Hi, backstory @ http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-operators/2014-March/004180.html etherpad @ https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ATL-ops-unconference-RFC The short version is: we've got some space for talking ops in design-summit style at the Atlanta summit. In this, there's a slot to chat security which needs a moderator/session leader. Anyone keen? Please sign up on the etherpad :) Ideas that came up during brainstorming are: Security (MODERATOR NEEDED) What should any cloud be doing (and can we make this default) ? How does an operator address an auditor ? Inspection/Surveillance of user VMs ? Answers to common concerns (hypervisor breakout, openrc variables in environment, What tools can we recommend ? and include into the gate to ensure impact is low in future Inspection/Surveillance of user VMs ? Regards, Tom