[openstack-qa] some stats for existing tempest tests

Giampaolo Lauria lauria at us.ibm.com
Thu May 16 19:24:49 UTC 2013


while working on 
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tempest/+spec/set-gate-attribute, I 
decided to write a script to get a picture of what we currently have for 
tags and attributes in our tests. Here is what I have found:

Total tests found:  583

Tag                             Total # of instances
--------------------            --------------------
'NO TAG'                226
EC2                             6
S3                              4
gate                            20
live-migration          1
lp1170718               1
lp912922                        2
nagative                        1
negative                        168
positive                        110
regression              1
server-addresses        4
slow                            1
smoke                           82
whitebox                        2

Attribute                       Total # of instances
--------------------            --------------------
bug                             3
category                        5
type                            370

Do we need all the above tags and attributes or should we do some cleanup?

Giampaolo Lauria
Software Engineer
IBM Linux Technology Center
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