[Openstack-personas] Participants needed for Horizon usability study
Kruithof, Piet
pieter.c.kruithof-jr at hp.com
Thu Feb 13 21:12:13 UTC 2014
Proposed screener for usability....
For this study, we need to speak to IT professionals whose primary job responsibility is designing and/or integrating infrastructure solutions into your datacenter, and the management of both virtual and physical servers within your datacenter. Which person in your organization best fits that description?
A. No one.........terminate
B. No one, but I know someone at another company who does......... Ask for referral and then thank and terminate
C. Myself.............Continue
D. Myself and someone else ......... Ask for referral (record for later use) and then thank and continue
E. Not myself, but someone else .........Ask for referral and then thank and terminate
2. Do you work for any of the following companies?
A. Dell
C. Citrix
D. VMWare
E. Microsoft
F. RackSpace
H. RightScale
I. Oracle
Recruiter - If the participant works for any of the companies listed above, thank and terminate
5. Do your PRIMARY job responsibilities include any of the following?
A. Server provisioning
B. Ongoing server management
C. Infrastructure configuration planning (e.g. Planning for how the servers, storage and networks tie together to meet the needs of the line of business end users)
D. Managing physical and/or virtual machines
Recruiter - Participants must select at least 1 in order to qualify
6. Please list the cloud service providers and technology that you have good working knowledge of, that is, those that you can provide a description of and would be knowledgeable enough to answer questions about for a technically proficient audience.
Recruiter - Pleas do not read list. Have participant generate the responses themselves, and record all that they generate.
Participants must be knowledgeable of at least 1 in order to qualify. Please make sure at least 4 of the respondents indicated Open Stack (B).
A. AWS (EC2)
B. OpenStack
C. Microsoft Azure
D. Google Cloud
E. HP Cloud
F. HP Matrix
G. Nebula
7. Which of the following SERVER administration tasks do you perform on a regular basis (1-2 per month of more (circle all that apply)?
A. Deploy and install an OS using an automated deployment tool such as RDP
B. Automated/scripted multi server deployment
C. Managed storage devices as part of your role as a server admin (interacting with storage admins); requesting resources from storage admin, configuration, troubleshooting
D. Managed networking devices; requesting resources from network admin, configuration, troubleshooting, etc.
E. Creating and managing virtual servers (at least 6)
F. Manage a cloud (Matrix, OpenStack, vCloud Director, etc.)
Recruiter: Participants must have experience with at least 4 of the above, and please recruit 3 that include F amongst their answers.
8. Which of the following SERVER administration tasks have you performed in the past week (circle all that apply)?
A. Deploy and install an OS using an automated deployment tool such as RDP
B. Automated/scripted multi server deployment
C. Managed storage devices as part of your role as a server admin (interacting with storage admins); requesting resources from storage admin, configuration, troubleshooting
D. Managed networking devices; requesting resources from network admin, configuration, troubleshooting, etc.
E. Created a virtual machine
F. Managed a cloud (Matrix, OpenStack, vCloud Director, etc.)
Recruiter: Participants must have done at least 2 of the above in the past week.
10-1. In your daily software use as an IT professional, what percent of your time do you use:
A. GUI (Graphical User Interface)______________%
B. CLI (Command Line Interface) /REST (Representational State Transfer)_________%
C. Other_________________(record name and percentage)
Recruiter: Please record percentage for each. Total should = 100%
10-2. Do you currently work with, or are involved with the implementation of, any of the following at your company?
A. Infrastructure provisioning
B. Virtual machine creation
C. IT test and development projects
D. Management software deployment and configuration
11. How many physical servers are located in the datacenter(s) where the systems that you are responsible are housed?
A. Less than 50.........Continue
B. 50 - 100...............Continue
C. 101-500....................Continue
D. More than 500..............Continue
Recruiter - Record exact number, and please try to recruit on the high end of the range if possible. No more than 2 with less than 50.
12. How many virtual servers are there in your server environment?
A. Less than 100.................... Thank and terminate
B. More than 100..............Record exact number__________and Continue
Recruiter - at least half the participants recruited should have over 100 virtual servers.
13. Does your IT department currently offer cloud computing services at you company?
1. No
2. Yes
14. What platform(s) are you using or considering using in order to provide cloud computing services?_____________
A. AWS (EC2)
B. OpenStack
C. Microsoft Azure
D. Google Cloud
E. HP Cloud
F. Nebula
Recruiter - For any selected, please ask participant if this is something they are considering using, or if it is something that they are currently using, and record this.
15. Is your location considered corporate headquarters or is it a division or branch of a company with headquarters elsewhere?
A. Headquarters.......Continue
B. Branch............ Continue
16. How many people work for your organization worldwide? Please take into account all branches and locations.
Record exact number: _______
A. <50.............Continue
B. 50-100...........Continue
C. 100-500.............Continue
D. 501-1000...........Continue
E. 1001-5000............Continue
F. 5001-10,000..............Continue
G. > 10,000.............Continue
17. What is the primary business or industry of your company? (READ LIST, and ACCEPT ONE RESPONSE.)
NOTE: Recruit a variety.
1. Aerospace
2. Internet Service Provider
3. Engineering, architecture, R&D
4. Education or non-profit
5. Finance, banking, accounting, insurance, or real estate
6. Healthcare or medical
7. IT Consulting
8. Legal
9. Manufacturing
10. Retailer, distributor, or wholesaler
11. Reseller
12. Transportation, utilities, or communication
13. Oil and Gas (please specify)_______________________________
14. Other: (please specify) __________________________
Please recruit a range. No more than 3 participants from the same industry should comprise the sample.
18. How many physical servers are you personally responsible for?
Please record response_______________
19. How many virtual servers are you personally responsible for?
Please record response_______________
21. What is your primary job role?
A. Server/system administration
B. Network administration
C. Capacity Planning
D. System, Network Architect or Infrastructure Architect
E. Application manager...........thank and terminiate
F. Other (record response here__________________)
24. How many years have you performed system administration and/or network management/administration?
A. Less than 2 years..........thank and terminate
B. 2 - 5 years....... (No more than 4)
D. 5 - 10 years..... ..Continue
E. More than 10 years..........Continue
*Recruiter - Please recruit a range
25. Who owns the servers in your company?
A. centrally owned by IT
B. owned by the business units
C. other (define & submit response to HFE____________)
D. I don't know.
26. What is your job title?______________________________________
27. What is the name of the department you work in?________________________
Recruiter - please note, we are looking for individuals who are part of the IT department. If not, they will need to be screened by the HFE before scheduling.
28. What is the job title of your direct supervisor?____________________________
29. What is the name of the company you work for?_________________________
Recruiter - please recruit no more than one participant from a single company.
DO not recruit participants who work for Cisco, VMWare, Microsoft, Citrix, Oracle, Sun, Dell, HP, or IBM - no computer HW or software virtualization vendors (this will need to be listed out).
30. What is your age?
A. 21-30
B. 31-40
C. 41-50
D. 51-60
E. 61+
31. Do you have any kind of color vision impairment (this will not disqualify you from participating in the study)?
A. Yes.........please explain_________
B. No
32. How would you like to receive a reminder of your session time and date?
a. Email - ask participant for email address and record it__________________
b. Phone call - ask participant for phone number and record it____________________________
Participants should receive a reminder email or phone call one week before and again one day before their session.
Recruiter - please remind participants to bring a valid ID, and their reading glasses should they need them.
From: Liz Blanchard [mailto:lsurette at redhat.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 1:57 PM
To: Kruithof, Piet
Cc: Meingast, Melissa; Ju Lim; <openstack-personas at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-personas at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: Re: [Openstack-personas] Participants needed for Horizon usability study
On Feb 13, 2014, at 3:40 PM, Kruithof, Piet <pieter.c.kruithof-jr at hp.com<mailto:pieter.c.kruithof-jr at hp.com>> wrote:
BTW - it would be great if anyone could recommend an operator that would be interested in participating in the study. Currently, the biggest barrier is lack of people....
Also, we need 4-6 scenarios/task to have people complete as part of the study. Any recommendations would be welcome and potentially increase the likelihood of being invited to observe.
Here are some ideas for a few basic scenarios/tasks for a self-service Horizon user...
Scenario: Launching an instance
Individual Tasks:
-Create a security key pair. (Could be set up optionally before test)
-Create a network. (Could be set up optionally before test)
-Import an image. (Could be optional)
-Launch an instance using security key pair X, network Y, and image Z. (Could add in additional requirements such as size or number of instances to launch.)
-Confirm that instance was launched successfully.
Scenario: Understand how many vCPUs are currently in use vs. how much quota is left.
Individual Tasks:
-Check out Overview Page to review current quota use/limit details.
Scenario: Take a snapshot of an Instance to save for later use.
Individual Tasks:
-Either Launch an instance successfully, or identify a running instance in the instance view.
-Choose to take a snapshot of that instance.
-Confirm that the snapshot was successful.
Scenario: Launch an instance from a snapshot.
Individual Tasks:
-Choose to either create an instance and boot from a snapshot, or identify a snapshot to create an instance from.
-Confirm that the instance was started successfully.
Scenario: Launch an instance that boots from a specific volume.
Individual Tasks:
-Create a volume (Could be set up optionally before test)
-Launch an instance using Volume X as a boot source.
From: Meingast, Melissa
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 1:17 PM
To: Ju Lim; Liz Blanchard
Cc: <openstack-personas at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-personas at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: Re: [Openstack-personas] Participants needed for Horizon usability study
We may want to use a different sample for the persona effort, if we can get enough interest in participating, to try to get the cleanest data possible and broaden our reach.
From: Ju Lim [mailto:julim at redhat.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 10:57 AM
To: Liz Blanchard
Cc: <openstack-personas at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-personas at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: Re: [Openstack-personas] Participants needed for Horizon usability study
Hi Piet:
As mentioned offline, I'm also happy to help in whatever way help is needed, observation note-taking, analysis, finding people to participate, etc. Do keep us in the loop and will be happy to block of time to help make this possible on my side.
Thank you and Melissa for spearheading this effort. As part of the study, can we also try to ask if the participants might like to be interviewed for the personas effort that is underway? Thoughts?
Thanks again,
On Feb 13, 2014, at 11:43 AM, Liz Blanchard <lsurette at redhat.com<mailto:lsurette at redhat.com>> wrote:
On Feb 12, 2014, at 5:08 PM, Kruithof, Piet <pieter.c.kruithof-jr at hp.com<mailto:pieter.c.kruithof-jr at hp.com>> wrote:
Hi Liz,
Melissa Meingast will be running the usability study for us. We still need to have some discussion internally on who should participate, but would suspect that individulas willing to actively participate will be given priority. We are planning to meet as a group at the end of each day to discuss what we observed as a team.
It would also be helpful to have a virtual whiteboard where observers can leave comments.
Sounds great, Piet. Keep me in the loop on where you head with this.
From: Liz Blanchard [mailto:lsurette at redhat.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 11:01 AM
To: Kruithof, Piet
Cc: <openstack-personas at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-personas at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: Re: [Openstack-personas] Participants needed for Horizon usability study
On Feb 12, 2014, at 1:39 PM, Kruithof, Piet <pieter.c.kruithof-jr at hp.com<mailto:pieter.c.kruithof-jr at hp.com>> wrote:
HP is planning to run a usability study of Horizon during the week of February 24th. The intent is to feed the results of the study back to the community.
Let me know if you, or anyone you know, would be interested in participating in the study. We are specifically looking for Cloud Operators, but do not need to have experience with OpenStack.
Sounds like a great effort, Piet. Let me know if I can assist in running the Usability Test in any way. If you don't need any help would there be an option for me to observe?
Pieter Kruithof, MS, CPE
UX Design and Research Lead
Cloud OS
pieter.c.kruithof-jr at hp.com<mailto:pieter.c.kruithof-jr at hp.com>
T +1 970 8981918
M +1 512 5762844
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