[Openstack-operators] Problems with AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation while migrating an instance

Matt Riedemann mriedemos at gmail.com
Tue May 29 17:06:16 UTC 2018

On 5/29/2018 11:10 AM, Jay Pipes wrote:
> The hosts you are attempting to migrate *to* do not have the 
> filter_tenant_id property set to the same tenant ID as the compute host 
> 2 that originally hosted the instance.
> That is why you see this in the scheduler logs when evaluating the 
> fitness of compute host 1 and compute host 3:
> "fails tenant id"
> Best,
> -jay

Hmm, I'm not sure about that. This is the aggregate right?

# nova  aggregate-show 52
| Id | Name      | Availability Zone | Hosts 
                             | Metadata 
                                                     | UUID 
| 52 | SgaraPrj1 | nova              | 'compute-01.cloud.pd.infn.it 
<http://compute-01.cloud.pd.infn.it>', 'compute-02.cloud.pd.infn.it 
<http://compute-02.cloud.pd.infn.it>' | 'availability_zone=nova', 
'filter_tenant_id=ee1865a76440481cbcff08544c7d580a', 'size=normal' | 
675f6291-6997-470d-87e1-e9ea199a379f |

So compute-01 and compute-02 are in that aggregate for the same tenant 

 From the logs, it skips compute-02 since the instance is already on 
that host.

 > 2018-05-29 11:12:56.375 19428 INFO nova.scheduler.host_manager 
9bd03f63fa9d4beb8de31e6c2f2c8d12 56c3f5c047e74a78a714\
38c4412e6e13 - - -\
] Host filter ignoring hosts: compute-02.cloud.pd.infn.it 

So it processes compute-01 and compute-03. It should accept compute-01 
since it's in the same tenant-specific aggregate and reject compute-03. 
But the filter rejects both hosts.

It would be useful to know what the tenant_id is when comparing against 
the aggregate metadata:


I'm wondering if the RequestSpec.project_id is null? Like, I wonder if 
you're hitting this bug:


Although if this is a clean Ocata environment with new instances, you 
shouldn't have that problem.




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