[Openstack-operators] Co-Sponsor the next OpenStack Operators Mid-Cycle Meetup!

Chris Morgan mihalis68 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 16:01:30 UTC 2017

The OpenStack Operators meet ups team (
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Operations/Meetups) is inviting
organizations to help with the upcoming Milan meet up (March 15th and 16th
2017) by co-sponsoring the catering in the amount of 1000 Euro eah. Here is
the planning document:


Currently the sponsors include Enter.IT which is hosting the event and
Bloomberg L.P. (my employer) which is sponsoring the badges and signs for
the event. Co-sponsors can have their logos  included on the event signs
and badges and will help support the OpenStack operators community and
mid-cycle meetups. If you wish to sponsor, or even just discuss that you
may contact anyone on the team (see wiki above). We can connect you
directly to the event organizers.

Thanks to all

Chris Morgan <mihalis68 at gmail.com>
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