Hi All, Our 5th meeting is tomorrow [1] and has the start of an agenda [2]. Please feel free to add to the agenda. :) Also, we are trying to list [3] out a few mid-to-long term medium sized projects we could work on as a group. I've added a couple of thoughts I've had, but please, please do take some time and add some of your own as well so we can start to get to work. Link [3] is to an etherpad where you can add your thoughts and ideas. Thanks!, Curtis. [1]: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#OpenStack_Operators_Telco_and_NFV_Working_Group [2]: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ops-telco-nfv-meeting-agenda [3]: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ops-telecom-nfv-project-ideas